Hiking in and near Philadelphia provides hikers with a variety of great hiking trails. From serene trails along the river, alluring walks beneath the lush green forests, right up to astonishing waterfalls, and to the top of awe-inspiring peaks with sweeping views, Philadelphia has an abundance of great hiking. With so many options for hiking means, there are a large number of local hikers living in Philadelphia.
Below is a list of the top 8 hiking groups in Philadelphia. These groups all have a different focus and vibe, so be sure to check out multiple groups so you can find the best fit for you. Keep in mind this list is meant as a launching point to get you started with Philadelphia hiking groups, so be sure to check out the many other great hiking groups that exist in Philadelphia.
- Valley to Summit Adventures – Philadelphia – 9,100+ members
- Hiking Around Philly – 5,630+ members
- Philadelphia Hiking Meetup Group – 4,100+ members
- BATONA Hiking Club of Philadelphia – 2,050+ members
- Philadelphia Parks Nature Meetup – 1,830+ members
- Outdoor Afro Philadelphia – 980+ members
- Black Girls Hike Too – 290+ members
- Geeks meet Freaks hiking – 160+ members
Valley to Summit Adventures – Philadelphia
Cost to Join: Free
Location: Philadelphia, PA
Link: https://www.meetup.com/PhiladelphiaAdventure/
Description: Valley to Summit Adventures – Philadelphia is for those that seek adventure, day dream of the great outdoors, and long for crisp mountain air. This group has events for climbing, kayaking, hiking, rappelling, and much more. They have organized over 1,160+ events in the past with multiple events each week.
Hiking Around Philly
Cost to Join: Free
Location: Philadelphia, PA
Link: https://www.meetup.com/HikingAroundPhilly/
Description: Hiking Around Philly hikes off the beaten path. They like to hike in the woods and city and try to find places that won’t be on any hiker’s map. Their hikes are typically an hour outside of the city. They have hosted a staggering 2,830+ events in the past with many events each week.
Philadelphia Hiking Meetup Group
Cost to Join: Free
Location: Philadelphia, PA
Link: https://www.meetup.com/phillyhikes/
Description: Philadelphia Hiking Meetup Group focuses on hikes and walkers near Philadelphia. Along with hiking they also do some biking events. This group has hosted over 300+ events in the past with typically one event each week.
BATONA Hiking Club of Philadelphia
Cost to Join: Free
Location: Philadelphia, PA
Link: https://www.meetup.com/Batona-Hiking-Club/
Description: BATONA Hiking Club of Philadelphia stands for Back to Nature with a purpose to enable people to experience the natural environment through hiking. They have hosted 590+ events in the past with at least one event each week.
Philadelphia Parks Nature Meetup
Cost to Join: Free
Location: Philadelphia, PA
Link: https://www.meetup.com/Philadelphia-Nature-Meetup/
Description: Philadelphia Parks Nature Meetup is for those that are interested in environment education, hiking, walking, bird watching, campfires, and more. They have organized over 240+ events in the past with one event each month.
Outdoor Afro Philadelphia – Harrisburg – Delaware
Cost to Join: Free
Location: Philadelphia, PA
Link: https://www.meetup.com/Outdoor-Afro-Philadelphia-Harrisburg-Delaware/
Description: Outdoor Afro Philadelphia – Harrisburg – Delaware is a community that reconnects African-Americans with natural spaces through hiking, camping, biking, birding, fishing, and more. This group has hosted 140+ events in the past with typically one event each month.
Black Girls Hike Too
Cost to Join: Free
Location: Philadelphia, PA
Link: https://www.meetup.com/black-girls-hike-too/
Description: Black Girls Hike Too is for women of color wanting to connect and experience hiking from novice level hikers to more experienced. They have a mix of online and in-person events. They have hosted over 20 events in the past with one event each month.
Geeks meet Freaks hiking
Cost to Join: Free
Location: Philadelphia, PA
Link: https://www.meetup.com/Geeks-meet-Freaks-hiking/
Description: Geeks meet Freaks hiking is for those that feel like their head is going to explode with thoughts and to just hike and let it all out. They like to hike in Philadelphia parks and neighborhoods with the occasional special adventure. The focus is not on hardcore hiking, but on the group dynamic, intriguing conversations, and having a delightful outdoor experience. They have had 8 events in the past with one event every few months.
Why should you join a Philadelphia hiking group?
Learn New Skills
While the reason most people join hiking groups is to hike and meet other hikers, an added bonus is that you can learn new skills and gain new outdoor knowledge. You can learn from many of the other hikers how they stay in hiking shape, how they pick their gear, and much more. You can also attend workshops that are organized by the groups to get a more structured approach to learning about hiking, camping, and backpacking. There are many great options for you to choose from.
Find Your Tribe
Have you ever hiked with friends or family and either they hiked too fast or too slow? Well, now you can meet a bunch of other hikers and find other hikers that match your pace and the way you enjoy nature. Some prefer to hike at a slower casual pace to soak in the sights and sounds, while others prefer to hike at a faster pace and tackle challenging trails. As your interests and goals for hiking change, so too can the group and people you hike with. Each hiking group will have different energy and focus, so be sure to check out multiple hiking groups to find one that aligns with your current hiking goals.
Expand Your Hiking Horizon
If you are used to hiking local trails or want to change it up on the trails you have been hiking out of habit, joining a Philadelphia hiking group can help you expand your hiking horizons. You will be introduced to new hiking areas and new hiking trails that you might have skipped over or never even heard of. There are hiking groups that focus only on urban hikes, some on hikes in the Pennsylvania area, and others out of state. By attending organized events you can learn how others plan hikes for completely new areas.
3 things to consider when joining a Philadelphia hiking group
There are many things to consider before joining a local hiking group, but one of the most important is the size of the group. There are many varying-sized groups from a few hundred to a few thousand. Be sure to check out the average number of attendees per event. This will help you narrow down the number of people at the hiking events that you attend. For the larger groups, it can be harder to meet everyone, but it could be more organized due to a larger organization. For the smaller groups it can be more intimate, but less structured due to being a newer group, so keep this in mind before joining a local group.
Type of Hikes
Another important thing to consider before joining a Philadelphia hiking group is the type of hikes the group typically goes on. Some groups will focus more on strenuous hikes and training for hiking, while others will focus on casual and beginner-friendly hikes. There are also groups that focus more on backpacking and out-of-town trips. As you gain more skills and experience on your hiking journey, you can try out different groups that align with your current hiking interests.
The last, but not least important thing to consider is the location of the hikes. Check out the group’s past events to see where they typically hike and meet up at. If you are coming from the Northwest side, you don’t want to join a group that meets on the opposite end of the 276. Find a group that meets in a convenient location so that you can easily attend their events. Also, look into if they prefer to hike in-town or out-of-town. Generally, the in-town groups will be more casual and focus more on the frequency of hiking, but each group will vary.
With the Philadelphia area having ample hiking areas and trails that takes hikers to impressive river views, majestic waterfalls, and stunning panoramic views of the mountains, the enthusiasm for hiking groups is continuing to grow. These wonderful hiking trails and sights are great, but even better when shared among new friends during these hiking group events. Philadelphia has many hiking groups that will lead you to explore these fantastic hiking areas.
While the groups on this list are great organizations and clubs, they are only just the start. There are many other fun and exciting hiking groups in the Philadelphia area for you to check out. As your hiking goals and interests change, so can your hiking groups. Have a wonderful time on all of your new adventures with your new hiking groups.